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When You Believe

Many nights we pray
With no proof anyone could hear
And our hearts a hopeful song
We barely understand
Now we are not afraid
Although we know there's much to fear
We were moving mountains long
Before we know we could
There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It's hard to kill
Who know what miracle
You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe
In this time of fear
When prayer so often proves in vain
Hope seems like the summer birds
Too swiftly flown away
And now I am standing here
My heart's so full I can't explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought I'd say
There can be miracles
When you believe (When you believe)
Though hope is frail
It's hard to kill
Who know what miracle
You can achieve (You can achieve)
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe
Bridge: (Both)
They don't always happen when you ask
And it's easy to give in to your fear
But when you're blinded by your pain
Can't see you way safe through the rain
Thought of a still resilient voice
Says love is very near
Chorus: (Both)
There can be miracles (miracles)
When you believe (When you believe)
Though hope is frail
It's hard to kill
Who know what miracles
You can achieve (You can achieve)
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe
You will when you believe
You will when you believe
Just believe
You will when you believe





【封面人物專訪曾雅妮】曾雅妮克服壓力心魔 用「拼圖哲學」站上第一








President dissatisfied with military drill performance


President Ma Ying-jeou expressed his dissatisfaction with a large-scale live-fire air defense exercise, yesterday, in which one-third of the missiles missed their targets.

There is still room for improvement,” Ma commented on the drill, the largest in recent years, while demanding an immediate review.

At the exercise held at the Jiupeng air base in the southern Pingtung County, the military fired off a total of 19 missiles — two more than initially planned — six of which failed to hit their targets.

According to the United Evening News, the missiles that were off the mark included the short and medium-range, anti-air and multi-target MICA (Missile d'interception et de combat aerien, “Interception and Aerial Combat Missile”) manufactured by French-based MBDA launched from a Mirage 2000 fighter and a Taiwan-made short-range missile and air-to-air Tien-chien II missile from a Indigenous Defence Fighter (IDF).

A Sparrow anti-air missile, on the other hand, shut off and dropped to the sea six seconds after launch. An extra Sparrow missile, fired by the Army also overshot the target.

Air Force spokesman Pan Kung-hsiao (潘恭孝) explained that the Tien-chien II missile failed to explode after reaching target while the MICA was successfully locked on to its target but missed its planned projectile after firing.

While commending the military officials for their efforts in planning the exercise, Ma said he was “not very satisfied” with the result and that there was room for improvement to address the mechanical problems or human errors that led to the high off-target rate.

Among the 12 units involved in yesterday drill were the Army's 602 Air Cavalry Brigade, the Marine Corps 77 Brigade and the Air Force 427 Wing.

The drills covered combat tactics, combat strategies and air counterattacks, and involved the test-firing of a variety of missiles, including Tien-kung, Hawk, Sparrow, Stinger, vehicle-launched Tien-chien I short-range, and air-to-air missiles.

The Chinese-language United Evening News reported that NT$300 million worth of weapons and target crafts were used in the exercise.

The drill was open to the media to help raise security awareness among the public, the ministry said.


It shows couple things. First of all, the governments waste our money by this way. then later they will tell people us, we need to buy more missiles and weapons. Second, the government is lost control. It’s means, if any official did something wrong, their boss will not have any punishment, but give them 18% bank saving rate. Finally, people can not stand for that anymore, as the media did, they use satirical to write this story. And the only thing we can do is don’t to vote him next time.



  • A hand tool, power tool, or machine with a rotating cutting tip or reciprocating hammer or chisel, used for making holes


  • at the beginning; "at first he didn't notice anything strange"


  • An act or instance of intercepting something, particularly
  • An act of a defensive player catching a forward pass
  • An act or instance of receiving electronic transmissions before they reach the intended recipient


  • Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native


  • A small finchlike Old World bird related to the weaverbirds, typically with brown and gray plumage
  • Any of a number of birds that resemble true sparrows in size or color


  • an attack by a defending force against an attacking enemy force in order to regain lost ground or cut off enemy advance units etc.


Australia: Soaked Australia focuses on flood cleanup


Some Australian communities remained isolated by floodwaters and others braced for a new river peak today as the nation's third-largest city struggled to clean up the putrid sludge left behind by the receding Brisbane River.

The floods have caused 27 deaths in Australia's northeast since late November, and 14 other people are missing, most of them from a flash flood that hit towns west of Brisbane on Monday.

In northern Victoria, a dozen small communities were sandbagging amid fears of high-peaking rivers, and 3,000 people have evacuated.

An economist has estimated the Queensland floods' cost could be as much as $13 billion, or 1 percent of gross domestic product in Australia's 1.3 trillion Australian dollar ($1.29 trillion) economy.

Mining companies say they won't be able to meet contracts for coal, Australia's biggest export, while Queensland farmers' crop losses could push up world food prices.

Even more frightening for farmers is the Bureau of Meteorology's prediction that rain could last through March due to the cool conditions in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean associated with the current La Nina — a weather system known for producing heavy rains.

My Opinion

I hear a victim said, evey things is gone but I am glad my family are all alive; and other vidio took one woman, she said crying, I lose eveything I earned. Then I realize, people can decide their attitude and life (happy or said) by evey moment no mater what they experience. The flood is just a status and I choose to glad for the people they learn from the flood and sad for those who decide be a victim in that moment.



equatorial   /ˌekwəˈtɔːriəl/ DJ   /ˈɛkwə'tɔrɪəl/ KK

  • near the equator or typical of a country that is near the equator 赤道的;赤道附近的;赤道地區特有的 adjective

meteorology   /ˌmiːtiəˈrɒlədʒi/ DJ   /-ˈrɑːl-/ DJ US   /ˈmitɪə'rɑlədʒɪ/ KK US

  • the scientific study of the earth's atmosphere and its changes, used especially in forecasting the weather (= saying what it will be like) 氣象學 noun uncountable

isolated   /ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd/ DJ     /'aɪsəˈletɪd/ KK

  • adjective
    • of buildings and places 建築物或地方 far away from any others 偏遠的;孤零零的
      • isolated rural areas 偏僻的農村地區
    • of people 人 without much contact with other people 孤獨的;孤立的
      • I felt very isolated in my new job. 我在新的工作崗位上覺得很孤獨。
      • Elderly people easily become socially isolated. 上了年紀的人很容易變得與社會隔絕。
    • single; happening once 單獨的;只出現一次的

putrid   /ˈpjuːtrɪd/ DJ   /'pjutrɪd/ KK

  • adjective
    • of dead animals or plants 死的動植物 decaying and therefore smelling very bad 腐爛的;腐臭的
      • the putrid smell of rotten meat 爛肉的臭味
    • very unpleasant 令人厭惡(或惡心)的 informal

epicenter   [ˈepisentə] DJ   [ˈɛpɪˌsɛntɚ] KK

  • noun
    • 【地】震中,中心;集中點
  • The point on the earth's surface vertically above the focus of an earthquake
  • The central point of something, typically a difficult or unpleasant situation

engorged   [enˈgɔːdʒd] DJ   [ɛnˈgɔrdʒd] KK

  • adjective
    • 充盈的;腫脹的;漲滿液體的

engorged   [enˈgɔːdʒd] DJ   [ɛnˈgɔrdʒd] KK

  • adjective
    • 充盈的;腫脹的;漲滿液體的
  • Cause to swell with blood, water, or another fluid
  • Become swollen in this way
  • Eat to excess




Some Australian communities remained isolated by floodwaters and others braced for a new river peak today as the nation's third-largest city struggled to clean up the putrid sludge left behind by the receding Brisbane River.

Officials have said the complete cleanup of the Queensland state capital would take months, and reconstruction up to two years.

The floods have caused 27 deaths in Australia's northeast since late November, and 14 other people are missing, most of them from a flash flood that hit towns west of Brisbane on Monday.

In Grantham, described as the epicenter of the flash flood, 70 percent of the town remained cordoned off today while searchers looked for the bodies of the missing.

"People I hope will understand the pressure that the police are working under in these sorts of circumstances and be patient," Queensland state Premier Anna Bligh said. "They are working as hard as they can to be in a position to allow people back into Grantham as quickly as possible."

The wall of water that swept through the town left behind dozens of smashed cars wedged in trees or bogged in fields, houses slipped off their foundations and masses of muddied belongings piled up as debris in the streets.

The engorged rivers that flooded Queensland towns have now swelled south into other states. In New South Wales, nearly 7,000 people have been isolated by floodwaters that overflowed highways and emergency services helicopters air-dropped food and other supplies to residents.

In northern Victoria, a dozen small communities were sandbagging amid fears of high-peaking rivers, and 3,000 people have evacuated.

An economist has estimated the Queensland floods' cost could be as much as $13 billion, or 1 percent of gross domestic product in Australia's 1.3 trillion Australian dollar ($1.29 trillion) economy.

Mining companies say they won't be able to meet contracts for coal, Australia's biggest export, while Queensland farmers' crop losses could push up world food prices.

Even more frightening for farmers is the Bureau of Meteorology's prediction that rain could last through March due to the cool conditions in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean associated with the current La Nina — a weather system known for producing heavy rains.

Some Australian communities remained isolated by floodwaters and others braced for a new river peak today as the nation's third-largest city struggled to clean up the putrid sludge left behind by the receding Brisbane River.

More than 12,000 rubber-gloved volunteers hauled sodden debris from soaked homes, shoveled muck and swept and mopped muddy floors in some of the 30,000 homes and businesses that were flooded in Brisbane.

Officials have said the complete cleanup of the Queensland state capital would take months, and reconstruction up to two years.

The floods have caused 27 deaths in Australia's northeast since late November, and 14 other people are missing, most of them from a flash flood that hit towns west of Brisbane on Monday.

In Grantham, described as the epicenter of the flash flood, 70 percent of the town remained cordoned off today while searchers looked for the bodies of the missing.

"People I hope will understand the pressure that the police are working under in these sorts of circumstances and be patient," Queensland state Premier Anna Bligh said. "They are working as hard as they can to be in a position to allow people back into Grantham as quickly as possible."

The wall of water that swept through the town left behind dozens of smashed cars wedged in trees or bogged in fields, houses slipped off their foundations and masses of muddied belongings piled up as debris in the streets.

The engorged rivers that flooded Queensland towns have now swelled south into other states. In New South Wales, nearly 7,000 people have been isolated by floodwaters that overflowed highways and emergency services helicopters air-dropped food and other supplies to residents.

In northern Victoria, a dozen small communities were sandbagging amid fears of high-peaking rivers, and 3,000 people have evacuated.

An economist has estimated the Queensland floods' cost could be as much as $13 billion, or 1 percent of gross domestic product in Australia's 1.3 trillion Australian dollar ($1.29 trillion) economy.

Mining companies say they won't be able to meet contracts for coal, Australia's biggest export, while Queensland farmers' crop losses could push up world food prices.

Even more frightening for farmers is the Bureau of Meteorology's prediction that rain could last through March due to the cool conditions in the central equatorial Pacific Ocean associated with the current La Nina — a weather system known for producing heavy rains.



這場婚禮將他們滿溢的幸福感染了大家。相信在場的單身者都想婚了,已婚的我也憶起了最初的自己,而覺得此刻的自己很幸福。Ivnitation 上,新人自己寫的詩如下:





















As was a UW Student

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Mass bird and fish deaths stoking curiosity



Five thousand blackbirds rained from the sky, Then more dead birds fell in other states.Then huge fish kills were discovered,suddenly it became a worldwide phenomenon.

Conspiracy theorists, doomsayers and religious extremists warned that the end was nigh.(USGS) National Wildlife Health Center. “There is nothing apocalyptic or anything that is necessarily out of the ordinary for what we would see in any given week.”

“Natural causes appear to be the reason for the deaths of the fish,” a statement by the Maryland Department of the Environment said.

“Spot may have difficulty surviving in colder temperatures and the species’ susceptibility to winter kills is well-documented,” it said, noting that surface water temperatures last month were the coldest in 25 years.

As for the bird and fish deaths elsewhere in the world, many were still under investigation.

But in today’s Internet Age, when hardly anything remains secret, word of mass bird deaths has spread with unparalleled speed.

“Now some of these kinds of stories, because they get out there on the Internet, if they are compelling enough they can immediately make this jump to national news,” he said. “Let’s face it, big quantities of birds falling from the sky or fish going belly-up is a pretty compelling story.”


Birds and fishes die-off, attached people’s eyes. Someone says the end was night and those phenomena are the symbo of apocalyptic. Another says, it’s because of the weather changes and pollution. And the other says it happened before, just because the internet, the world become small and any compelling story can be shared easily.



spate off       /speɪt/ DJ 真人發音 /spet/ KK:

a large number of things, which are usually unpleasant, that happen suddenly within a short period of time 一連串,接二連三(通常指不愉快的事物)

immune       /ɪˈmjuːn/ DJ 真人發音 /ɪ'mjun/ KK

that cannot catch or be affected by a particular disease or illness 有免疫力

conspiracy    /kənˈspɪrəsi/ DJ 真人發音 /kən'spɪrəsɪ/ KK

a secret plan by a group of people to do something harmful or illegal 密謀策劃;陰謀

doomsayer - One who makes dire predictions about the future

the end was nigh 到底是近了

apocalyptic /əˌpɒkəˈlɪptɪk/ DJ 真人發音 /əˌpɑːk-/ DJ US 真人發音 /əˈpɑkə'lɪptɪk/ KK US

  • adjective

    • describing very serious damage and destruction in past or future events 描述(歷史)大動亂的;預示(未來)大災變的

      • like the end of the world 似末世的;像世界末日的

compelling   /kəmˈpelɪŋ/ DJ 真人發音 /kəm'pɛlɪŋ/ KK


  • that makes you pay attention to it because it is so interesting and exciting 引人入勝的;扣人心弦的 written

unparalleled /ʌnˈpærəleld/ DJ 真人發音 /ʌn'pærəˈlɛld/ KK

used to emphasize that something is bigger, better or worse than anything else like it 無比的;無雙的;空前的;絕無僅有的 adjective formal



END ISN’T NIGH:Despite the conclusions many may be jumping to, wildlife experts say the recent spate of mass animal die-offs aren’t unusual, merely well publicized


Five thousand dead blackbirds rained from the sky on the first day of the New Year in Arkansas. Then more dead birds fell in other states. Then huge fish kills were discovered in multiple US waterways.

And suddenly it became a worldwide phenomenon, with reports of mass die-offs of birds and fish in Sweden, Britain, Japan, Thailand, Brazil and beyond.

Doves, jellyfish, snapper, jackdaws ... it seemed no species was immune.

Conspiracy theorists, doomsdayers and religious extremists warned that the end was nigh.

Could it be astronauts testing a potent sound beam to ward off aliens? The US military experimenting with satellite-powered energy weapons?

What about chemical sprays, meteor showers or earthquakes activating pollutants from the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico? “Birds” surged to the most searched term on the New York Times Web site.

Religious bloggers loaded their sites with Bible verse, Hosea 4:1-3: “The land dries up, and all who live in it waste away; the beasts of the field, the birds in the sky and the fish in the sea are swept away.”

But as speculation roiled the blogosphere, wildlife experts rolled their eyes.

“It is not that unusual,” said Kristen Schuler, a scientist at the US Geological Survey’s (USGS) National Wildlife Health Center. “There is nothing apocalyptic or anything that is necessarily out of the ordinary for what we would see in any given week.”

Indeed, the USGS keeps a log on its Web site with reports of groups of birds dying each week, averaging from dozens to thousands.

Regarding the bird deaths in Arkansas, where the local custom is to set off fireworks to mark New Year’s Eve, officials determined it was likely that the noise set off a deadly bird panic.

“It appears unusually loud noises, reported shortly before the birds began to fall, caused the birds to flush from a roost,” the USGS National Wildlife Health Center said in a statement posted on the Arkansas Fish and Game Commission Web site.

“Additional fireworks in the area may have forced the birds to fly at a lower altitude than normal and hit houses, vehicles, trees and other objects. Blackbirds have poor night vision and typically do not fly at night,” it said.

In Louisiana, Schuler said it looked like cold weather might have killed off about 500 birds.

Meanwhile, in Maryland, locals were spooked by reports of about 2 million dead fish in the Chesapeake Bay.

Officials were quick to assuage concerns, saying the deaths were a result of an unusual cold snap, combined with an overpopulation of a species known as spot fish.

“Natural causes appear to be the reason for the deaths of the fish,” a statement by the Maryland Department of the Environment said.

“Spot may have difficulty surviving in colder temperatures and the species’ susceptibility to winter kills is well-documented,” it said, noting that surface water temperatures last month were the coldest in 25 years.

As for the bird and fish deaths elsewhere in the world, many were still under investigation.

According to the National Wildlife Federation’s Doug Inkley, the most frequent cause of mass death in birds is disease, though pollution and “just plain accidents” can also trigger large scale die-offs. Often, people just are not aware of them.

“Most of the time these areas are not near human habitation such as in forests or in the woods,” he said on CNN.

But in today’s Internet Age, when hardly anything remains secret, word of mass bird deaths has spread with unparalleled speed.

“In 1960, if a bunch of birds started falling from the sky it may have been noticed by some people. It may have gotten reported in the local paper, but it may never have gotten any further than that,” said Robert Thompson, professor of pop culture at Syracuse University.

“Now some of these kinds of stories, because they get out there on the Internet, if they are compelling enough they can immediately make this jump to national news,” he said. “Let’s face it, big quantities of birds falling from the sky or fish going belly-up is a pretty compelling story.”








相信淨土法門和相信有何差別                                   作者:陳培植

98.6.11 日 (一) 星期四


大家都知道本師釋迦牟尼佛,在二千伍百多年前降生在北印度「加昆羅律國」,生為太子(悉達多)然後出家。示現八相成道,了悟宇宙人生的真相。證得無上菩提 (阿耨多羅三藐三菩提),然後到鹿野苑度五比丘,並三轉法輪,五時興教宣說無上妙法(八萬四仟法門)完成(佛、法、僧)三寶。






1. 佛說 阿彌陀佛
2. 佛說 觀無量夀佛經
3. 佛說 無量夀經






現在來讀讀相信淨土法門和不相信有何差別。在理上性上,講是無差別,何以故 ,金剛經云,一切諸法,法法平等,無有高下,已無高下,當然平等而無差別,但事相上,體用上,願心力上,還是有所差異。因眾生無始以來的妄想、分別、執著、無盡煩惱使然的變化,八識五十一心所心念的不同而有所差別。地藏經云,眾生起心動念無不是業、無不是罪。業力甚大,飛敵須彌、能深巨海、能障聖道。故說念佛法門曷行道,其他法門為難行道。一切諸法都是世尊金口所宣,每一法都能使人破迷開悟,離苦得樂,了脫生死、出三界,因此說無差別。


光中化佛無數億,化菩薩眾亦無邊。十方三世佛阿彌陀第一。佛告阿難,阿彌陀佛,威神光明,最尊第一,十方諸佛,所 不能及。光明善好,勝於日、月之明。千億萬倍(光中極尊,佛中之王) (無量夀經十二)



1. 凡聖同居土
2. 方便有餘土
4. 常寂光   土
二、圓滿報身盧舍那   佛






2010 台北101跨年






但當Kevin在最後一刻說,我們衝呀~ 突然間,我體驗到內心裡睽違多年的年輕靈魂,是青春、是熱血、是種不需太多顧忌,想做就去做的勇氣與力量。久違了~我年輕的靈魂。寫這兒的當下,想到了日前去看蔣勳的畫展,當時對這詩句沒什麼感覺,這一刻確有不同體驗。 不論過了多少年,年輕(年輕的靈魂)還是會一直一直的在我的身體裡。我有歌、有淚、有愛憎眷戀,要靜靜擁抱你,生命未完、詩句未完…
