
洛伐克詐騙公司 EVENT FAIR 回event fair 的信

感謝熱心網友Amy Hsu 找到了這篇回event fair 的信。大家只要小改一下寄給Event fair即可。

Dear Sir/Madam

 With reference to your letter dated 日期……., in which you request payment of the sum of EUR …多少錢…, we would respond as follows.

On …訂單號碼……, in error we signed your communication regarding a "Fair Guide", since you had given the inaccurate impression that this entry / update for the official exhibitors' directory of the trade fair in question was free of charge.

Since the error was caused by you and was material in leading to conclusion of the contract, we contest the contract – in so far as a contract indeed even came into being, which we would also dispute – on the basis of error, in particular pursuant to Austrian law - Section 871 ABGB.

In fact, we have been informed in response to our enquiry that, besides numerous other actions and court orders, you have undertaken before a court as a result of proceedings instituted by the Austrian Schutzverband gegen unlauteren Wettbewerb to refrain absolutely from issuing such misleading communications and from insisting on any payment claims in the event of error across the EU, EEA and Switzerland, and that the Schutzverband will take all possible further legal steps if you continue such activities in other countries.

We therefore expect to receive no more claims.

Yours faithfully


Dear Stacy,您好!

我己從如下連結找到Draft letter 制式英文回覆文,真是莫大幫助,感恩您!!

Google Stop the European City Guide"\ 進入點選左上角"Construct Data (The Fair Guide),即可進入
如下連結,找到英文回文"Draft letter provided

附件是我用[存證信函]的內容,供您參考!真的很感恩您的PO. Thanks so much!!

Your earlier reply will be highly appreciated

Thanks with best regards

Amy Hsu